1st meeting for members of the project “Exposure to pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides in children – risk assessment for adverse effects on neuropsychological development and hormonal status – PyrOPECh” (HRZZ IP-2019-04-7193)

The 1st meeting for members of the PyrOPECh project took place on 25-26 February 2020 at the Teaching Institute for Public Health “Dr Andrija Štampar”, Zagreb, and was opened by its director, Dr Zvonimir Šostar.

On the first meeting day, after introducing the project members, general information about the project was presented as well as a detailed work plan for the first year. Each of the four project members gave a 15-minute lecture: Dr Jim Garvey (“The Food Chemistry Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine”), Prof Breige McNulty (“Total Diet Studies”), Prof Irena Keser (“24-hour recall and Duplicate Diet”) and Dr Brendan Murray (“Pesticide Dietary Risk Assessment: Consumer Food Safety and DAFM”).

Working groups were formed according to priority tasks (dietary pesticide exposure assessment, analytics of pesticides and their metabolites, data analysis, epidemiological research including hormonal analyses, and dissemination), and tasks divided between the groups. 

On the second day of the meeting, technical details on developing protocols for the assessment of dietary exposure to pesticides were discussed, including the adaptation of pesticide residue analytical methods in raw food to that for complex food samples prepared for human consumption and the development of a methodology for measuring pesticide metabolites in human urine.

1. sastanak suradnika projekta “Izloženost piretroidnim i organofosfatnim insekticidima u djece – procjena rizika od štetnih učinaka na neuropsihološki razvoj i hormonski status – PyrOPECh” (HRZZ IP-2019-04-7193)


Sastanak suradnika projekta PyrOPECh održao se 25.-26. veljače 2020. g. na Nastavnom zavodu za javno zdravstvo “Dr. Andrija Štampar”, Zagreb, a otvorio ga je njegov ravnatelj, dr. Zvonimir Šostar.

Prvog dana sastanka, nakon predstavljanja suradnika na projektu, prikazane su općenite informacije o projektu i predstavljen je detaljni radni plan za prvu godinu. Suradnici na projektu održali su 15-minutna predavanja: dr. sc. Jim Garvey (“The Food Chemistry Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine“), izv. prof. dr. sc. Breige McNulty (“Total Diet Studies“), izv. prof. dr. sc. Irena Keser (“24-hour recall and Duplicate Diet“), te dr. sc. Brendan Murray (“Pesticide Dietary Risk Assessment: Consumer Food Safety in DAFM“).

Oblikovane su radne skupine prema prioritetnim zadacima (procjena unosa pesticida hranom, analitika pesticida i njihovih metabolita, analiza podataka, epidemiološko istraživanje s analizom hormona u biološkim uzorcima, te diseminacija) i podijeljeni radni zadaci za prvu godinu projekta. 

Drugog dana sastanka raspravljalo se o tehničkim pojedinostima razrade protokola za procjenu izloženosti pesticidima putem hrane, uključujući prilagodbu postojećih metoda za analizu ostataka pesticida u sirovoj hrani za analizu u kompleksnim uzorcima hrane pripremljenim za konzumaciju, te razvoj metoda za mjerenje metabolita pesticida u ljudskom urinu.